This I knew was the moment then I had to act, other cough was on it's way I could feel that so as I was by now at the end of the "road-up" portion, I jumped on my bicycle and pedaled away not suspiciously fast, but downright determined that the next time I went out I would not have a cough. And neither did I, I just put another petticoat on underneath to celebrate the occasion, and, who knows, to give me an added feeling of confidence?
The first requisite for meeting others in your area is to join PHI PI EPSILON, FPE for short. The first step in doing this is to have purchased 5 issues of TVia through CHEVALIER PUBLICATIONS--new;- stand purchases do not count. We want to know that you know us that well from our own records before an application will be sent. This applies to past issues as well as future ones and some money can be saved by using the "6 for the price of 5" ($20) deal on back issues. After your application has been returned fil- led out it will be reviewed by me, Virginia as President and by Fran the Executive Secretary. If approved the applicants will be notified and told how to contact the Councillor for her region.
Councillors in each region will help get chapters started when enough members are found living close enough together. For those who are already members and are anxious to contact the Councillor for their region, write to Fran Conners, Box 1391, Madison, Wisconsin, and ask. As our Executive Secretary she can start things going for you.